The Jury of the Festival

STANIMIR TRIFONOV, was born in 1958 in the former capital of Bulgaria Veliko Tarnovo. He studied in the school of foreign languages and later on graduated in Bulgarian language and literature at the University of Veliko Tarnovo. During his years at the University he participated in a film club with director Vladimir Iliev. This fact plays a very important role in his life and his future career as a filmmaker. A few years later he was already a student at the National Academy of Theatre and Cinema in Sofia. Mr. TRIFONOV studied under the direction of Professor Dimitar Pounev and made his first documentary at a professional level. The public, the critics and other filmmakers were impressed by his first works. His series “The hunting of wolves” released in 2000, made a boom in the country. He is director of the series “At the border,” finished in 2014/16 episodes / dedicated to the 100 the anniversary of the start of the First World War. The latest series of Trifonov received the Award of the Academy of the Bulgarian cinema for Best Series of 2014, and the Best Screenplay and costumes. He was director of the agency “VREME” for more than ten years and currently he is the head of his own film agency “Tristan movie” Ltd., with headquarters in Sofia. As director and producer he has directed more than 60 documentaries and feature films. Along with his career as a film director, as visiting professor TRIFONOV transmits his experience to students. Since 2004 he is a senior professor of cinema and television direction in the Southwest University in Blagoevgrad and New Bulgarian University in Sofia.  
NEDŽAD BEGOVIĆ was born in 1958. Film director and screenplay writer from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Author of more than 50 animated films, documentaries and short films and 30 sequels of TV series for children. He cooperated with various TV stations such as ARTE, Swiss TV, ZDF, Point du jour. He also worked as art director, consultant and casting manager of numerous international productions. His films have been screened in more than 300 cities worldwide. He finished his first feature film „Totally personal“ in 2005 winning audience award at Zagreb Dox next year. In 2011 made „A Cell Phone Movie“ winning the Heart of Sarajevo. He also published a comic book, has had 15 exhibitions and won 9 medals for his inventions.
IVAN SALAJ was born in Zagreb in 1969, graduated  film direction at ADU in 1995. He has received several international awards, Rector’s Award, Octavian, Breza and Zlatna Arena for student films – the TV drama “Vidimo se”, as well as for two documentary films “Second Floor, Basement” and “Hotel Sunja”. He worked as a screenwriter and director on about forty documentary short and feature films 1995-2008. as a script reviewer in the drama programme of HTV, 1999-2002, as an assistant director on a dozen feature films 1992-2002., on five feature films as a co-writer,  creative director on two animated films, and as a director of about seventy commercials for various production companies. He directed the short feature film “Story of Neanderthals”, 2009 for permanent exhibition of the museum in Krapina. As a screenwriter and director, he shot two short feature films in, as part of the all-night omnibus, “Zagrebačke piče vol.3” i “Transmania”, 2015. He was creative producer, screenwriter and director of the feature film “8th Commissioner” in 2018, which has been awarded multiple times.
ZVONIMIR RUMBOLDT has been a member of the Croatian Association of Film Workers since 1998. As such, he participated in the work of the Commission for the selection of the Croatian candidate for the Oscar award in 1998, 2002 (as president of the Commission), 2003, 2005, 2008, 2009, 2010 (president) and 2013. Vice President of the Department of Directing 2008-2010. and 2012-2016, President of the Branch and member of the Board of Directors of CAFD 2010-2012. Founder and president of the Association of Independent Film Production and Other Forms of Creative Expression “Kad Tad” since 2010. Member of the Croatian Association of Independent Artists since 2011. He is the director of the Days of Croatian Film festival. He lives in Zagreb..
ZVONIMIR KARAKATIĆ, a computer programmer born in Požega in 1976. His first encounter with non-professional filmmaking was when he acted in a film produced by Film Club „Gimnazija“, Požega at the age of five. He began taking photos as an elementary schoolboy and showed interest in filmmaking when he was in secondary school. He’s been the member of the Film Club (nowadays known as GFR FILM-VIDEO and is its president ) for over 30 years and is himself the author of several non-professional films of which „Saturday Night Fever“ was awarded the gold medal at the 31st Croatian Film Festival. He was a co-producer, co-director and a co-editor of the film „May I Help You?“ which was selected in the official programme of „Dani hrvatskog filma“ in 2004. He finished his documentary „Kino moje malo“ in 2008. He has actively participated in organizing almost all the one-minute film festivals in Požega.